Monday 30 January 2017

Internet Friends

Hello. Todays post will be about internet friends. Now most people tell you when growing up, not to have internet friends as you don't know who they're. Well I can you now, yes that's correct, but yes there is some honest individuals out there.

Last Saturday 28/01/2016 marked the year that I've been friends with a girl named Sabrina. We met on Twitter whilst talking about YouTube star Alfie Deyes. Then over the last year we've bonded, and we have found out that we have a lot in common. We both love YouTube, Pugs, blogging and pretty much everything. There isn't a day that goes past that we don't speak together. I've felt like I've known her for a life time, not just a year. We get on well and always talk on Snapchat and Twitter :). Hopefully one day we will meet over YouTube conventions. We might even become YouTubers and make fun videos today. Like Zoe Sugg (Zoella) and Louise Pentland (aka Sprinkle of Glitter). I am proud to call Sabrina my friend.

Along the way of our fabulous friendship, she has also introduced me to other YouTube Fans, and we have a massive group chat. There names our Jess, Sabrina, Sabrina  H , Katie and Matty. We are known as, The Sassy Scone Squad, don't ask why.

Whenever one person has an issue or what, we talk together to try and sort it out. With having them as friends it's made me more confident as a person. As YouTube is a wonderful platform where you can connect over one subject, but you can bond. Bonding with people over the internet may seem bad, which in all seriousness it is. I trust these people I talk to. Especially Sabrina, as we talk on Snapchat, which includes stories and taking pictures to increase our streak.

If your reading this and you talk to people  over the internet, just be careful because you don't know who they are. Only talk if you seen picture proof evidence. Safety fist, friendship second. 

We also FaceTime each other over snapchat. Sometimes, this can cause problems, as we aren't always on at the same time, or we're busy. Together, we all bound over YouTube. 90% of our chats, are normally based around YouTube, and we talk about, the latest videos, that we have just seen.

Hope you enjoyed today's blog. Let me know in the comments, about you and your friends. Also, let me know who your favourite YouTubers are. Thank you. I will see you again, with another blog post.

Tuesday 17 January 2017


Hello friends, and welcome to my blog. Todays topic of conversation is friends. Friends are someone you can rely on, someone who you can trust and know that they'll always be there for you. Now I have a couple friends. I love every single one of them. My friendship with each friend is different, purely because we all like different things.

The first friend I'm going to talk about is Emily. Now Emily and I go way back. We first met at our nursery (15 years ago).  We were both shy at the time, who would have thought we would still be friends 15 years later. We grew up from nursery all the way up till year 6. Sometimes we would fall out, but who wouldn't, that's what friendship is all about. Along the journey we have been through a lot. We are always there for each other when needs be. We pretty much have a lot in common. I think I would be lost if  I didn't have her, due to the fact she can always cheer me up whenever i'm in a bad mood. I'm grateful to have her in my life.

My next amazing friend is Eleanor, now I met her through Emily. Eleanor is honestly a great laugh, she can also cheer me up when I'm in a bad negative mood, which is pretty much everyday. Eleanor and I can mess around but then we can have a deep chat. If that isn't friendship then I don't know what is. She's a music genius, like Emily. Together they make me feel musically untalented, which I am. Eleanor could be a comedian due to the jokes that she says....some are good...some are bad..oh well.

Another amazing friend is Ellie. I met Ellie at our drama group, ever since then we have gotten on so well. We are always there for each other and we can make each other laugh. We both have a passion of performing, show how can you ask for a better friendship than that?. Recently she's been through surgery on her spine, which is very painful, but she hasn't been complaining. This is what makes Ellie brave, even though she's in pain she isn't constantly going on about it. I can't wait to see her to give her hug, as unfortunately I can't visit her in hospital.  Ellie is also good at music, which makes me mad as I wish I could

Along the lines of drama buddies, my other drama buddy is Josh. Now Josh and I bonded over the summer, we bonded as we were both having problems which depressed us a lot. We'd always helped each other when the other one was in pain. Since the summer we have gotten to be best friends and we annoy the heck outta each other. Josh can be annoying at times, but he does it in away to cheer people up..hmm. Josh is also good at piano/ music. The annoying side of Josh comes out in our breaks at drama, he'd go and play the piano, sometimes depressing songs, but oh well.Wouldn't change him for the world tho :).

Also theres another drama buddy known as Izzy, I've known her for two years and this year in November we would've known each other for 3 years. We get along well with each other. Izzy is one of the people who is so easy to annoy/mock, this can be very fun. She's an amazing actress and I can see her going far in the industry. People out there you better watch out, Izzy's after you, haha. I would also like to thank Matthew and Niamh, they have been there for me when i'm annoyed about drama..which is a lot. Niamh and I get along like we've know  each other for years and we have great chats. Matthew and I just talk about random things, I learnt that he's a fan of Judge Rinder. Now Matthew basically wants to be him, I think he'll do a great job.

Sophie Marshall, well theres not much to say about her, haha joking there's a lot to discuss. She can always cheer me up no matter what. She has the ability to cheer anyone up simply by falling over, or singing. I say singing I really mean trying to sing. She is known as the 'Big Baby' and you don't want to know why. She is a great person to have in your life. I am proud to call her my friend.

Megan i've known you for years, we get on well and we are always here for each other. I know your going through a really tough time at the moment but I'm here for you and I will make you laugh as thats what you need right now. Remember your friends are always here for you.

Georgina, I want to thank you for being someone to talk to when I have problems and you always reassure me, this means a lot to have someone to talk to, as I find it difficult to talk to people. Thank you.

Next part of my blog is saying thank you to a couple people in my college class. These people are, Chloe, Jason, Annabelle, Dan and Kaylan. They made me feel welcome in the class, I can always ask them something and they'll answer it, this probably annoys them, but oh well. These 5 people are basically the only ones that makes me feel welcomed in the class. I might be one of the quiet ones in the class, but I feel like they've helped me get out of my shy zone. When they offered me to film with them for my course it made me feel welcomed. This is due to the fact they were the only ones that offered, now thats a big thing for me, haha. You guys have made my more confident and have thought me a few things, so thank you.

Lastly I want to talk about three special people that I've bonded with over YouTube. Their names are Sabrina, Jess and Matty. Sabrina and I have known each other for a year on the 28/01/2017. During our friendship we have bonded over YouTubers and found out we adore the same people, and brought the same merch. We are always there for each other when needed to be. I always cheer her up and she always cheers me up. Jess and Matty i've just met you and I think your both funny and we will get along great and I'm proud to have known you both. Jess we can always joke around and your supportive which is great. Matty happy birthday and I hope we can talk more.

Now my closets friends has to be my cousins. We all get along well but we are different in age but we can all get along well, and i'm proud to have them in my family :).

Anyone in my life I want to thank you, as you've inspired me to become who I am today .

Thank you for reading friends:). Comment below if you enjoyed this and let me know what to include in future blogs. Thank you very much for reading and sorry it's so long.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Why I Want To Thank The SacconeJoly's.

Hello, my name is Claire Cook and i'm 17 years old. I study media at college, which i'm enjoying very much. I'm also a massive fan of Youtubers. My favourite Youtubers are the SacconeJoly's. I love watching their videos.This is my first blog post, and for my first blog I would like to discuss the SacconeJoly's and say thank you to them, hopefully they'll read this.

I look up to Anna and Jonathan so much, as they've inspired me to never give up. If you don't know who the SacconeJoly's are, then let me explain. They are a vlogging family from Ireland, but now live in the UK. There names are, Jonathan, Anna, Emilia and Eduardo. They have 6 dogs and a baby on the way.

Last year I got myself into certain troubles on the internet, where I wasn't happy in myself or being me, so I pretended to be someone I wasn't, this made me feel a little better in myself. At the end the people who I was speaking to found out, I was heart broken and was in a horrible place for a couple of months.   I also didn't want to eat, or socialise with my family or friends. I get down at times when thinking about everything that happened. Through this time I watched the SacconeJoly's. This made me heal, learned to love myself again. Their videos generally put me back into a happier place, I was able to forget about everything for 16 mins each day. I felt like I went through a horrible, dark, depressing time with them, even though they have no idea who I am. I feel like they're my friends.

One day I would love to give back to them, and to personally say thank you for everything and for teaching me valuable lessons. I don't often fit in, due to i'm always the shy person, who doesn't have many friends. Throughout watching the SacconeJolys i've became more confident and brave. Every night at 6:00 they upload their daily vlog and I can watch it and it will always be guaranteed that it will cheer me up and help me feel tons better about myself.

So Anna and Jonathan, if your reading this, I wish I can meet you one day when I can afford it, so I can  personally say thank you, but unfortunately this has to do. I want to thank you for always uploading videos, even on your own personal hard days. You always make such great content day in and out everyday. I just look up to both of you so much and Anna you've inspires me to start a life in blogging. Both of you have inspired me to start YouTube and even the in the  industry. If it wasn't for you or your videos, I don't know where I would be right now, so again, Thank you. I'm saving money up, so one day my dream will come true, to meet you both at meet ups. One day in the future it would be amazing to work with both of you, throughout YouTube or another project throughout the media industry.

The other day Jonathan like my tweet about, "if there was an award for the best YouTube family it'll go to the SacconeJoly's". When he liked it, it basically made my day. To see that someone you love to watch takes time out of their day to like your tweet. It made me so happy. Now that may seem a bit silly to some of you readers, but honestly it made me smile so much.

I love watching Anna's snapchats as they're so funny and basically like a little vlog, on which is happening there and then on the exact day. The SacconeJoly's create the best content, I recommend on defiantly watching them, it'll make you day. I've now have become a completely different person.

The people who are giving Anna a very hard time over social media, aka blogs needs to stop. Nobody should read the certain rude comments and feel ashamed in who they are. Jonathan and Anna are very great parents, so it's time that all the little haters out there to stop. I got bullied, and it's honestly the worst feeling that somebody out there could feel. So please just stop

Thank you for reading. I all want to thank, Sabrina, Jess and Matty for believing in me and inspiring    me to write this. If you like this then let me know, and i'll defiantly be writing more.  So yet again thank you. Jonathan and Anna, thank you for helping me through such a rough time, I can't wait to meet you one day :).